About Us

Meet David A. Claud MD, PhD

An onsite clinic is a key building block in your health benefit plan. I know what high value care looks like, and I’ll help your employees get top level care from your onsite clinic.

David A. Claud, MD, PhD 

David has spent more than a decade helping self-insured employers, municipalities, and unions gain more from their healthcare purchase. His experience as a National Medical Director at Optum and as a Chief Medical Officer of Activate Healthcare has given him a deep understanding about how onsite clinics can provide superior care. He is a board-certified physician, Certified Health Value Professional, and has a certificate from the Johns Hopkins Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality.

Activate Healthcare was recognized as the Top Performing Worksite Health Services Vendor in 2019 by KLAS while he was CMO.

Get more from your healthcare dollars.